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Flow Template Designer

The Flow Template Designer is a drag-and-drop supported visual interface that allows creating and customizing test flows simply and efficiently.

The Flow Template Designer is accessible from the Test Assets page by clicking the Create button and selecting one of the Test Flow Template menu items or by editing an existing Flow Template.

Designer Layout

The main areas of the Message Template Designer are illustrated by the picture below.

Flow Designer Layout

The following table describes the interface areas highlighted by the red dots.

1Flow Name FieldThe field is an input area to provide a name for the Flow Template. Click on the "Test Flow Name” text and start typing to name the Flow Template.
2Editor MenuThe menu exposes certain operations, such as saving the test flow, redo and undo operation, and editing certain test flow attributes.
3Action ListA list of Actions that can be added to the test flow by dragging and dropping them onto the Workspace.
4Asset ListThe Assets tab lists all Message Templates that can be dragged and dropped onto Send Actions within the test flow.
5WorkspaceThe Workspace visualises the Actions and provides basic editing capabilities.
6Order HandleAction can be reorganized by dragging them by the handle.
7Action Details ButtonThe button allows expanding and collapsing of specific actions to see more details or additional configuration options.
8Action Settings ButtonThe button opens or closes the properties panel of the Action.
9Delete Action ButtonRemoves the Action from the test flow.
10Action Properties PanelThe panel allows configuring Actions. It is only visible when an Action is selected.


Actions are the building blocks of a Test Flow Template and represent a step to be executed during a test run, for example: connecting to a target, sending test cases, receiving data, and disconnecting from the target.

You can add Actions to the test flow by dragging and dropping them onto the Workspace. The Test Flow Designer allows defining any number of actions in any order, even in orders that do not make sense. It is the responsibility of the user to implement a sensible test flow.

Connect Action

The action instructs GUARDARA to establish a connection to the test target. This action is usually the first one within a Test Flow Template. It is up to the Driver's implementation how the connection to the target is established, thus may differ from Driver to Driver.

Send Action

The Send Action allows sending test cases to the target based on the assigned Message Template. You can assign a Message Template to a Send Action by dragging a Message Template from the Asset List and dropping it onto the Send Action.

Receive Action

The Receive Action allows receiving data from the test target. The action also allows you to assign Response Processing Rules that perform certain operations on the data received.

Callback Action

The Callback Action allows experienced users to execute arbitrary Python code during the test to perform operations unavailable via the user interface. You can learn how to implement Callbacks in the Developer's Guide.

Disconnect Action

The action instructs GUARDARA to disconnect from the test target. This action is usually the last one within a Test Flow Template. It is up to the Driver's implementation how the connection to the target is terminated, thus may differ from Driver to Driver.

Authenticate Action

There is an Action that is not visible in the Action List by default called "Authenticate". It allows easy authentication of any following Send Actions working with Message Templates that implement HTTP requests. This action is only visible if Web Test Flow is enabled in the Flow Configuration accessible from the View > Flow Configuration editor menu.


When using the Authenticate Action, any Send actions after the Authenticate Action is expected to be assigned a Message Template that models a structurally sound HTTP request. The Authenticate Action then performs the requested authentication and updates the generated HTTP requests accordingly.

Action Properties

Certain Actions have properties configurable via the Action Properties Panel. The following table summarises the most common Action properties.

Action on MonitorThe Engine only considers this property if a test target within a Project has at least one monitor configured. The option selected determines the action to take if a monitor signals an issue. Please note a finding is always created in the report.
Action on TimeoutThe option selected specifies the action to be taken if the action times out.
Connection ErrorThe option selected specifies the action to be taken if a connection error is detected.
Action TimeoutThe action timeout in milliseconds. If the Action does not complete successfully within this period, an event will be raised and handled according to the Action on Timeout property’s value.
Retry on TimeoutIf Retry on Timeout is enabled, the Action will be repeated as per the configuration. The configuration only applies to the Action it was configured for.

Flow Configuration

Variable Collection Assignment

You can assign a Variable Collection and a Condition Group Collection to the Message Template using the configuration panel of the Test Flow Designer accessible from View > Flow Configuration of the editor menu.

Web Test Flow

By turning on the Web Test flow switch, you can tell GUARDARA that you are working with web-based applications. When enabled, the user interface makes the Authenticate Action available. The Always Reconnect option is also turned off, assuming that the HTTP driver will be used, which can handle keep-alive connections out of the box.

Test Flow Mode

Indicates whether the test flow models the behaviour of a client or a server application. This configuration may impact how some Engine Drivers behave. In addition, the Performance Baselining and Analysis feature is only available in Client-mode.

Always Reconnect

A new connection is created with every Connect Actionwhen this option is enabled. When disabled, the Connect action will not attempt to connect to the target if the connection is still alive.